Mailchimp Subscription Custom Woocommerce Coupon

Encourage users to sign up for your newsletter by offering discounts! When users subscribe to your Mailchimp email list, generate a private 1-use only Woocommerce discount coupon. This is better than giving users a generic coupon code that anyone can use.

Types of discounts

  • Percentage discount
  • Fixed dollar discount
  • Specific product discounts
  • Single use coupons (or limited # usage)
  • Premium Tier: Advanced Woocommerce Coupons - compatible


Works with any Mailchimp compatible subscription methods. We detect any new signups from mailchimp's web hook and will generate & send the coupon.

  • Mailchimp popups
  • Signup at Woocommerce checkout


  • Each email only gets 1 coupon even if subscribing multiple times
  • Coupon is 1 use only
  • Option to not allow stacking coupon with other coupons and promotions


  • Please note, this service has a carrying subscription to keep the service running. The payment will be made after the setup is complete.
  • Basic & Standard: $10 per month
  • Premium: $15 per month

Private Woocommerce Coupons


Generate Woocommerce Coupons For Subscriptions

Single-Use or Limited Use Private Codes

Private Woocommerce Coupons + Popup Creation


Generate Woocommerce Coupons For Subscriptions

Single-Use or Limited Use Private Codes

Create Subscription Popup For You

Advanced Woocommerce Coupons


Generate Woocommerce Coupons For Subscriptions

Single-Use or Limited Use Private Codes

Works With Advanced Woocommerce Coupons